What Is Ultherapy and How Does It Work?

You may notice that your skin is becoming less tight and firm as you age. If this is the case, consider an Ultherapy treatment to tighten your skin and give you a more youthful appearance. Contact Old Town Med Spa in Chicago, IL today if you have questions or would like to schedule your consultation to learn more about this treatment.

What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is the primary nonsurgical treatment that uses ultrasound technology to encourage the growth of collagen and tighten skin. It uses focused, pulsing heat energy to lift and tighten the skin. The energy taps into the body’s natural restoration process to activate collagen growth beneath the skin. This minimizes the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the chest and can create a firmer and more youthful appearance on the face and neck. It is considered a great alternative to a facelift.

How Does It Work?

This treatment works because heat energy is used at different depths in the target areas. Once the energy reaches below the skin, it is converted into heat. The heat targets three layers including the muscles, skin, and any superficial wrinkles, and stimulates the body to produce more collagen. This causes the skin to tighten back up and the body to produce new collagen. It can also refresh existing collagen.

Why Stimulate the Growth of Collagen?

You want to encourage your body to produce collagen because it is one of the natural proteins that can keep your skin looking firm and toned. As you age, your collagen breaks down, resulting in sagging skin. To fix this, you can use heat energy to stimulate the growth of collagen and cause your body to produce new, fresher and younger-looking skin.

Is It Safe?

Ultherapy is a very safe treatment that has been regularly used around the world. It has been approved by the FDA as a noninvasive method for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the eyebrows, neck, chin, and chest. Ultrasound technology has been used in the medical field for many years and helps many people achieve a younger look. Hundreds of thousands of treatments are performed every year without complications.

How Is This Different From Other Cosmetic Treatments?

This treatment differs from other cosmetic treatments because it uses heat energy to stimulate the growth of collagen below the skin in a non-invasive manner. The results can take longer than other cosmetic procedures, with many results not appearing until two to three months after treatment. The treatment is relatively short and is the only treatment which uses ultrasound imaging, so the energy is precisely delivered.

Unlike laser therapy, radiofrequency, surgery, or other technology, ultrasound technology will penetrate the skin without disturbing it. No needles, toxins, or creams are required for this treatment. Your skin will not be cut or otherwise disturbed.

How Is It Different From Laser Therapy?

This treatment uses sound energy, which can penetrate the skin and treat levels unmatched by any other non-invasive cosmetic treatment. By doing this, it triggers the production of collagen beneath the skin to lift and tighten your face.

Laser therapy relies on light energy, which cannot penetrate to the same depth as sound energy. Laser therapy only treats superficial issues and does not lift the face.

Can It Replace a Facelift?

While this treatment treats the same deep tissue as a facelift, it does not provide the same results. However, it is a great alternative for patients who do not want a surgical facelift. It is also great for those who are looking for longer, more natural results than those provided by a facelift.

Why This Treatment Is Popular

Since it was approved, this treatment has only become more popular. This treatment is so popular because the results it delivers are natural. The treatment is also highly effective, and most patients are satisfied with their treatments. Plus, there is minimal preparation necessary for the treatment.

The treatment itself is popular because it is non-surgical, non-invasive, and easy. You do not require anesthesia for the treatment. There is also minimal recovery time, and many patients resume their normal schedule after leaving the treatment center.

What Areas Can It Treat?

This treatment can restore the skin in several locations. It is most popularly used on the face to tighten around the eyebrows and under the chin. However, it can also take care of wrinkles that appear on the chest. You can highlight all the areas which you want to be tightened in your consultation.

What Does It Cost?

The cost of Ultherapy can range based on several factors. For instance, having multiple areas treated will raise the cost of your treatment. Similarly, if you require multiple sessions, the cost of your treatment will increase.

The exact cost of your treatment will be discussed at your consultation where you express your desired results and a treatment plan is formed. You should also consider outside costs, such as traveling to and from the treatment center, when you are thinking about the cost of your treatment. It is also important to remember that this treatment is most likely not going to be covered by your insurance.

Preparing for Your Treatment

This treatment requires minimal preparation. You can maintain your regular eating, exercise, and work routines right until your treatment. You will be asked to remove any makeup or other products from the target area prior to your treatment. If you have dental implants, tell your doctor so they can put a wad of cloth in between your cheek and gum, preventing the energy from hitting the metal parts.

If you are very nervous or sensitive, you may be asked to take pain killers prior to your treatment. These may affect your ability to drive, so have someone ready to pick you up. You will also not want to return to work that day if you have been given pain killers.

The Treatment

This treatment is non-invasive and easy. There are no incisions or anesthesia required. You will not have to endure any toxins or needles during your treatment. Your treatment will begin with the physician cleaning area where you are having the treatment performed and applying ultrasound gel.

The device which delivers the energy will be placed against your skin and ultrasound technology will help the physician adjust the device to the setting best suited for you. Ultrasound energy will then be delivered to the target areas. At the end of the treatment, the applicator will be removed from your skin.

What Does It Feel Like?

As the energy is deposited under your skin, you may feel the energy targeting your muscles. You may register this as an electrical charge entering your body or the sensation that something warm is on your face. It is usually quick and intermittent, with some tingling in between. This sensation will only last as long as the energy is being deposited.

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

This treatment is very convenient because it does not take a lot of time. It often takes between 60 and 90 minutes to get a facial treatment. It usually only takes 30 minutes for treatments of the chest. Depending on what areas you are getting treated, your treatment time may be shorter or longer.

Downtime After the Treatment

After the treatment, there is no required downtime. You may walk out of the treatment center and continue your day-to-day activities. You can immediately resume your normal eating, work, and exercise routines. You will not be required to take any time off from your job.

How Many Treatments Does It Take?

Most patients will only require one treatment. However, if your skin has become very loose, you may require multiple treatments to get the look you want. If your body was not triggered to produce extra collagen from one treatment, it may be recommended that you have additional treatments.

What Results Can You Expect?

After your treatment, you can expect your skin to become firmer and lifted. Although some patients notice this immediately, it will probably take time for you to notice significant results. Most patients will not experience their full results until at least two months after their treatment, and many patients will experience their ideal results approximately three months after their treatment.

Are These Results Permanent?

Since the treatment is designed to stimulate your collagen production, how long the results will last depends on your body. New collagen will grow on the inside of your skin, but your individual natural aging rate will determine how long the results last on the outside. Periodic touch-up treatments can help you maintain the youthful appearance of your initial treatment.

Are You a Good Candidate?

You may be a good candidate for this treatment if your skin looks and feels less firm than it did in your youth. A sign that you may be a candidate is sagging skin under the chin and wrinkles on the chest. It is also an option if you have had a facelift and would like to extend the results of your surgery.

Many patients who are good candidates are in their 30s or older. It is also open to those who are younger but would like to avoid sagging skin. If you want similar effects of a facelift, but do not want surgery, this treatment may be a good fit for you.


If you are looking for the effects of this treatment but are unsure, there are other alternatives you can try. You may consider a similar treatment like Thermage. You may also consider something different, like a surgical facelift.


Thermage is a similar treatment that is non-invasive, but it relies on radiofrequency rather than ultrasound technology. This treatment has also been approved by the FDA for use in more areas than Ultherapy. It can be used on the abdomen, arms, thighs, and glutes.

One issue with this treatment is that it is less precise. Because Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology, the doctor administering the treatment knows exactly where the energy is going. Thermage does not use this technology and relies more on guesswork.

Surgical Facelift

A surgical facelift is another alternative. However, it is a surgical procedure and is invasive. A facelift will cost significantly more money. It also requires a lengthy period of downtime after it has been completed. Despite this, many people consider a surgical facelift to be the way to go if you are looking for permanent results and can afford it.

Ready for Younger Skin?

Are you ready to get rid of those pesky wrinkles and tighten your skin? If so, Ultherapy is the quickest and easiest way to naturally restore your younger-looking and more firm skin. Call Old Town Med Spa in Chicago, IL today to schedule your consultation and get the ball rolling on your treatment.

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