Rapid Weight Loss Success Stories

Story 1

37-year-old healthy female with normal blood tests, participated in the rapid weight loss program with Dr.N.Gharbi at Old Town Medspa.

This was a 28-day program with 25 HCG subcutaneous injections and paired with a 500 calorie daily diet. She did great during the program, felt great and lost 30 pounds from the starting weight (before the program), 7.5 inches around the waist and 2.5 inches around the thighs.

Capture 2

Story 2 – 46-year-old female

While doing the rapid weight loss program at Old Town Medspa, she reported that she felt fine throughout the course of the diet.

Weight: lost 20.6 pounds, starting weight: 210.6, last day of the program: 190

Waist: lost 4 inches, starting waist: 51, last day: 47

Hips: lost 2.5 inches, starting: 44.5, last day: 42

Thighs: lost: 5 inches on the right and 4 inches on the left

Starting thighs: right 31, last day: 26, left: starting: 30, last day: 26

Story 3

36 year old healthy female patient participated in our 28 day HCG program in combination with our amazing fat burning technology Vanquish.

Weight: lost 17.2lbs, starting weight: 189lbs, last day: 171.8lbs

Waist: lost 4 inches, starting: 43 inches, last day: 39 inches

Hips: lost 2 inches, starting: 47 inches, last day: 45 inches

Thighs: lost 3.5 inches total starting: right thigh 28inches, left thigh 27 inches, last day: right thigh 25.5 inches, left thigh 26 inches

More stories coming soon!

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