How many times have you asked your hubby, boyfriend, or girlfriends this question?
Regardless of what they said, you knew those unsightly tummy rolls were there and were sure everyone could see them!
So you’ve been on a mission to lose the love handles. You’ve been eating healthy, giving up all your favorite snack foods and filling your plate with so many veggies you’re about to sprout something! You’ve been exercising regularly, getting up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym or go power-walking before work. You feel great, but you still can’t get rid of those embarrassing tummy bulges!
Don’t despair! You don’t have to starve yourself or resort to going under the knife to get your body in shape. You can get rid of the muffin top and melt the fat away in just a few weeks with the Vanquish radiofrequency technology. Vanquish targets tummy fat, wiping out up to 59% of the fat cells. And you don’t just lose the fat in the cells, leaving the empty cells there to refill someday. Vanquish kills the entire cell and your body gets rid of it for good!
Feel great about the way you look. With Vanquish, you can Conquer the Core!